My vegetables are growing like crazy! Henry likes to follow me around the yard as I water the plants, saying "tree...tree...wat-o (water)."
Look at this puny little acorn squash plant on July 1....

Now look at how HUGE it is!
Here are my corn plants on July 15....
Not even a month later, they've grown quite a bit!
The killer tomatoes are getting bigger and BIGGER! June 26....

July 19....

August 10....

Henry is really growing and changing, too. He is talking so much now. He has recently started to put two words together. He says things like, "bye-bye Daddy" and "duce fwee" (for "juice please" even though he can say the word "please") and "lie down" and the funniest thing is he'll ask me for binkies by saying, "couple binkies?"
He also looks through his books and names the things on the pages. He can identify an elephant, giraffe, lion, fox, fish, starfish, dolphin, birds, snake, bear, and even a sloth in one of his animal books. He says so many words, I can't even remember them all. It's so fun to hear him say new things every day.