I've been bugging Jeff about getting a family portrait done practically since Henry was born, and we finally did it yesterday. The studio room was small and hot. Henry started fussing and crying immediately. The photographer had a very "blah" personality. The pictures didn't turn out WONDERFULLY, but there are a few that we like. These are just proofs that I scanned, and they're not cropped or touched up in any way, so hopefully the final product will look much, much better. But, I need your help. Please tell me which of these four pictures you like best. If you're one of our family or friends, you may even end up getting one. Leave me a comment, send me an e-mail, or even give me a call. Even if you don't usually comment, please let me know which one you think we should order. Vote now!
Choice #1

Choice #2

Choice #3

Choice #4

I think they're all super cute, but I like the one with Henry on Jeff's shoulders the best. Such a cute family!
Love you,
I hope I get one!!! I like #3 and #4; well actually, I like them all, but I think those are the best of everyone.
I like the second one but the best one is Henry on Jeff's shoulders. Show's the awesome personality of your happy family!
#3!#3!!! Will there be a finale show?? Do I have to text my vote in? I dont have text....this is stressful!
Aunty E
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