Time is just ticking away. I cannot believe that I will go back to work on Monday. The end of summer has always been a little hard for me, but I do enjoy my job, and I've always been happy to be there once school started. But, that was before Henry. Right now I'm dreading going back to work and putting Henry back in daycare full-time. I really like his daycare, but I am so sad that I'll be away from him for 40 hours each week. Especially after being with him almost constantly all summer long. I am really, really sad about it. But, I am very, very happy that I had all of the wonderful time that I had with him over the summer. I am amazed at how much he's grown and changed. He is such a happy little guy, and it makes me happy to be around him. He is at daycare today, and I miss him. He cried and cried when I left him. I cried when I got out to my car. I thought about keeping him home today, but since he'll start back full-time next week, I thought it would be good for him to go today so that it's not so foreign to him next week. Besides, they tell me that he stops crying a few minutes after I leave, and he's always happily playing when I pick him up. I think this transition will be much harder for me than for Henry. I certainly hope so. Well, I will try to stop whining and deal with the fact the summer is just about over.
Here are some fun bath pictures of my cutie pie from last night. He is so happy in the bath!

Henry has become very good at making animal sounds. His newest fun sound is a tiger growl. He is also very good at singing Twinkle, Twinkle Litttle Star. I love it when he sings the Twinkle, Twinkle tune, but says "Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama" instead of the real words. The other day I had him singing "Rocco, Rocco" and "Stella, Stella." I captured some of this on video the other day.
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