Henry doesn't understand the concept of holidays or gifts yet. But I've been waiting a long time to do all of the fun holiday things with a child, so whether Henry understands it or not, he "celebrates" all of the holidays already. This morning, there were Easter baskets waiting on the fireplace hearth for him. There was a cool dinosaur basket from Grammy Lannie and a pail filled with lots of sand toys and bath stuff from
Mommy...um, I mean...The Easter Bunny. Since Henry's too young for candy, there were cheerios and his morning bottle tucked into the baskets. He participated in his first Easter egg hunt yesterday. His new daycare had a barbecue/potluck Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. Henry picked up a couple of eggs and put them in the basket, but mostly he just watched the older kids run around gathering eggs. He likes the sound the candy-filled eggs make when you shake them. Checking out the dinosaur basket.
Wow, cool pail! Too bad Henry doesn't like sand.
Eating his cheerios from The Easter Bunny.
Moments after taking these pictures, Henry fell down and hit his mouth on the fireplace hearth. He got a bloody lip and screamed for a while, but he's o.k. Thanks, Easter Bunny!
Bad Easter Bunny! Knocking our little Henrificous down!
The Bunny probably wanted his ears back.
Looks like Henry had a stellar Easter!! Hiya!!
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