Last week I started taking Henry to two different classes. The first one is called "Explore Music Together" and it's offered through our local parks & rec department. It's for ages 18 months through 36 months. Henry is 18-months-old today, so he's the youngest in the class. The class meets on Thursdays from 6:05-6:45 in the evening. The first time we went, Henry spent most of the time walking around the room and trying to open the door to leave, while the rest of the little toddlers sat in a circle on their parents' laps. During a quiet lullabye song, Henry started crying...loudly. When the teacher brought out a big plastic tub of instruments, the rest of the children took turns selecting instruments. Henry sat in the tub. I thought he was probably tired, and he might need to get used to the setting and the people. This past Thursday wasn't much better. He again spent most of the class trying to get out. Do you see Henry in this picture? Look waaaay over to the left. By the door.

Another recent development is Henry's verbal skills. He's starting to talk more and more. Most of his words sound like "dada" but they can mean lots of different things. Some of his most recent new words are "Okay," "Wow," and "Wow-wow" for "Bow-wow." We have a book about Clifford (The Big Red Dog) and at the end of the book, it says What does Clifford say? Clifford says "bow-wow." So now when we ask Henry what Clifford says, he will answer with "Wow-wow!"
Here's a morning conversation from a few days ago:
If you can't view the above video, try clicking on this link:¤t=Apr102007.flv
Oh, that is the sweetest morning conversation! The smile on his face just delights me. He looked proud to answer what Clifford would say.
thanks, J. I love this blog!
Finally I was able to view the video--so sweet!!WOW
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