Henry swinging at the same park last week.
The boys were only 8 and 9 months old when we took them in June, so they couldn't do too much playing, but I remember looking forward to the time when Henry would be old enough to enjoy it. He's now old enough! It has, BY FAR, the best playground equipment of any park I've seen. The play structure is giant, with at least 5 slides, several swings, and lots of climbing features. There's even a sandbox, which Henry ventured into, but didn't like too much. Jeff and I were both climbing on the equipment with Henry, and enjoying it almost as much as he was.
Henry loved the slides and usually laughed the whole way down.
The boy loves a steering wheel! This play structure had at least 3 different steering wheels...Henry's dream.

Henry had fun swinging with Daddy!
Taking a snack break with Mommy....
Henry made a friend. This little girl attached herself to Henry, and kept taking his hand and trying to lead him around the playground. He didn't really cooperate.
We had a great time. But, this particular park isn't terribly close to our house, so we started looking for nearby parks that we can take Henry to more easily. We both did internet searches, and I started asking around to find out which parks other kids and parents like. We were given a few recommendations that we'll follow up on in the near future. We went to another playground on Sunday that was closer to home, but it was just o.k. Henry wasn't nearly as entertained or enthusiastic about it. We'll keep looking!
He is such a sweety :) I hope you all have a great Easter! Hugs and loves from the Burr Family.
I love the look on the "big man's" face! His stance and his proud don't bother me I'm driving look.
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