Here's a video of Henry laughing at funny Stella. It seems like kind of a fake laugh, though, so I'm not sure whether he actually thinks she's funny. The dogs don't usually go into the living room area, but every once in a while we let them out. Henry loves the pugs...especially Stella. He likes to hug her and pet her and put his face against her fur. I was hoping to get some video of Henry playing with Rocco and Stella, or at least hugging Stella. I'll try again another time.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
My Little Bruiser

It looks like Henry may have been in a fight, but I have no idea how he got those "owies" on his face. I got him up from his nap several days ago, and he had a little cut right on his birthmark on his forehead. He didn't seem to mind. Then yesterday he was happily playing, when I noticed a bright red scratch near the corner of his mouth. He never cried about it. Maybe he did it himself since I need to clip his nails. Who knows. But, now I'm afraid to take him out in public for fear of people thinking we're abusing our baby! Ever since he was born, people have asked me what happened to his forehead. They'll say, "he must have taken a tumble" or "did he bonk his head?" Then when I explain that it's a birthmark, they always seem embarrassed or they apologize for asking. I don't care if they ask! Maybe I should make up a really good story about how he got it... Henry was riding on his very own pony, when all of a sudden, the pony spooked and bucked him off. Henry flew 30 feet into the air and hit his head on the bumper of my Mercedes. Believable? When he had his 3-month portraits done, they airbrushed his birthmark out of the pictures because they thought it was a bruise. Now I have to specifically ask them NOT to remove the birthmark from the portraits. Poor Henry will probably be fielding questions about his birthmark forever. I guess it'll be a good conversation starter. "I was riding my Harley to my beach house, when all of a sudden...."
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
An Only Child

Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow
We woke up to A LOT of snow on Tuesday morning. Schools were closed yesterday and today, and it looks like Alaska outside. We bundled Henry up into some warm clothes and took him out in the front yard to play in the snow. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the snow. When we first stood him in the snow, he wouldn't take a st
ep or move. He just stood there and looked around. 
Eventually Jeff layed him down on his back in the snow, but I don't think he liked that much better. He was happy when we brought him back inside. Good thing we don't live in Alaska.
Henry wasn't too interested in making snow angels.

I had my quadruple wisdom tooth extraction today. I was really nervous before-hand, and even started crying when they inserted the IV, but I don't remember much else. The doctor said to let him know when I started feeling drowsy, and I remember thinking, "I'm not drowsy yet" and then I woke up. I wasn't in much pain then, but my mouth was stuffed with gauze, and I was REALLY thirsty. I wasn't allowed to remove the gauze and drink for an hour. Every minute felt like an hour! I've been taking pain meds (so excuse any ramblings or mistakes), but so far have only felt minor pain. The worst part is not being able to eat anything but liquids, especially when Jeff made steak for dinner! Hmmm...I wonder what a steak smoothie would taste like.

Eventually Jeff layed him down on his back in the snow, but I don't think he liked that much better. He was happy when we brought him back inside. Good thing we don't live in Alaska.
Henry wasn't too interested in making snow angels.

Henry and Jeff in the Winter Wonderland.
I had my quadruple wisdom tooth extraction today. I was really nervous before-hand, and even started crying when they inserted the IV, but I don't remember much else. The doctor said to let him know when I started feeling drowsy, and I remember thinking, "I'm not drowsy yet" and then I woke up. I wasn't in much pain then, but my mouth was stuffed with gauze, and I was REALLY thirsty. I wasn't allowed to remove the gauze and drink for an hour. Every minute felt like an hour! I've been taking pain meds (so excuse any ramblings or mistakes), but so far have only felt minor pain. The worst part is not being able to eat anything but liquids, especially when Jeff made steak for dinner! Hmmm...I wonder what a steak smoothie would taste like.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Drama KING!

Speaking of drama, I have to have all four of my wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday. I am NOT looking forward to it. Luckily Lannie is flying in today from Spokane, and will stay through the weekend to help take care of Henry while I'm out of commission. I am a wimp about all things involving pain, and I am very scared! I will let you know how it goes.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
The Many Faces of Henry
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Cute AND Funny!

1. Henry hates to be on the changing table. He constantly tries to flip over onto his tummy, and cries when we don't let him. Recently during changes, he's started doing the "all done" sign language to let us know that we should stop and let him down just like we do when he's finished eating in his highchair!
2. I was handing goldfish crackers to Henry, and he would take a few, then walk away. Then he would come back back for more. He came back with a toy in one hand and a binky in the other. When I held out the cracker, he looked at one full hand and then at the other, and then he opened his mouth wide and leaned forward, waiting for me to pop the cracker straight in.
3. Henry hates hats. He will not allow a hat or hood to stay on his head longer than just a few seconds. I have a lot of pictures of Henry pulling hats off of his head. The other day I put a baseball cap on him. Of course, he immediately tore it off. It looked so cute on him, so I decided to show him how cute he looked. I stood in front of the mirror with him, and THEN I put the hat on him. He loved it! He smiled at himself. He turned his head to admire himself from all angles. He laughed at himself in the mirror. He was mesmerized by his own reflection! That's how I was able to take his picture with the baseball cap on the other day and how I got the picture with the froggy hood tonight.
Even HENRY thinks he's cute!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Feeling MUCH better

but that wasn't a grocery store, so it's not the same.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007
2007 has GOT to get better!

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