Henry and I are both feeling much better. Still not 100%, but OH-SO-MUCH-BETTER than we were before. He hasn't thrown up since Wednesday, so it looks like that phase is over. Finally! Three days of vomiting is three days too many. On Wednesday, I decided we had to go to the store. Jeff was out of town working and I desperately needed a few things from the store. Henry hadn't thrown up since early morning, and it was about 1:00, so I figured we were safe. Wrong! We got to Safeway, and were cruising the aisles looking for Saltines, ginger ale (which, can you believe, they didn't have?), Immodium, etc. when all of a sudden Henry threw up all over himself and the cart. I just froze. I didn't know what to do. A Safeway worker walked by pushing a cart of freshly-baked bread, and looked at us, and I started crying. I tearfully asked her for a towel, and she directed me toward the bathroom. I cleaned up a crying Henry and the cart, and went back out and quickly finished shopping. I would have left, but I NEEDED those items! That was my worst shopping experience so far. There was the time I stepped in a puddle of pee in a dressing room (remember that, Liz?)
but that wasn't a grocery store, so it's not the same.

Luckily the Safeway vomit incident was the last one, so we haven't had to deal with that aspect of the sickness anymore. Henry has been pretty happy the past couple of days. He's back to playing, reading books, and some eating. Hooray! 2007 is looking better already!
1 comment:
Oh Boy!! Shopping cart puking--no fun. Being sick is much easier in the privacy of home.
Tears seem perfectly appropriate to the situation. What's a mother to do?
Some grocery stores have parking spots for special customers: expectant mothers, old people, the handicapped, so why should they not have a person assigned to mothers with sick babies? Now there's a population that could use shopping help!
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