1. Henry hates to be on the changing table. He constantly tries to flip over onto his tummy, and cries when we don't let him. Recently during changes, he's started doing the "all done" sign language to let us know that we should stop and let him down just like we do when he's finished eating in his highchair!
2. I was handing goldfish crackers to Henry, and he would take a few, then walk away. Then he would come back back for more. He came back with a toy in one hand and a binky in the other. When I held out the cracker, he looked at one full hand and then at the other, and then he opened his mouth wide and leaned forward, waiting for me to pop the cracker straight in.
3. Henry hates hats. He will not allow a hat or hood to stay on his head longer than just a few seconds. I have a lot of pictures of Henry pulling hats off of his head. The other day I put a baseball cap on him. Of course, he immediately tore it off. It looked so cute on him, so I decided to show him how cute he looked. I stood in front of the mirror with him, and THEN I put the hat on him. He loved it! He smiled at himself. He turned his head to admire himself from all angles. He laughed at himself in the mirror. He was mesmerized by his own reflection! That's how I was able to take his picture with the baseball cap on the other day and how I got the picture with the froggy hood tonight.
Even HENRY thinks he's cute!
THAT JUST TICKLES ME!! LOL!! I was wondering how you got that picture with the BBhat. He's very cute!! and so smart!
He is so SMART! Signing all done when he wants off the changing table--wow. I'm amazed that a one year old would figure out how to apply one technique to another situation. He's on his way to being a good critical thinker!
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