"When are you going to have another baby?" I get asked that question a lot. I guess Henry is at an age where people are expecting us to start thinking about having another one. Well, we're not. As much as I would love to have a brother or sister for Henry, it's just not going to happen. It wasn't easy having Henry! In
Vitro was hard...and expensive...and heart-breaking when it didn't work...and SO worth it when it did. Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate needles. I gave myself THREE shots a day for weeks. Then an additional shot a day for months even after I was pregnant with Henry. I spent over a month on
bed rest when I went into
preterm labor. I had to have an emergency surgery immediately after Henry was born. Of course it was all worth it. So much more than worth it. But, we can't do it again. We can't afford it. I'll be 39 on my next birthday. We couldn't pay for daycare for TWO kids. Even though I know these things, and even though being Henry's Mommy is so very fulfilling, sometimes it makes me sad to think that Henry will be an only child. He's such an amazing, beautiful, smart baby. I'd love to see if we could get that lucky again! Brothers and sisters are SO important. I hate to think of Henry being alone when Jeff and I are gone someday. I will just have to make sure that Henry has lots of friends, and that he is close to his eight cousins. Luckily he's a very independent little guy who keeps himself entertained. Also, Jeff's like a big kid, so he'll have fun growing up with Daddy! Plus, we'll only have to save for ONE college education. But still, sometimes I'm sad that we won't have another baby.
Me too!New babies are so exciting but oh so much work!
Henry has life-long pals in his cousins, that is for sure. I have to say that if God has a plan for you two to have or not have a second child, there is a reson either way. You know you have my support regardless.
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