Even though Henry only has 2 1/2 teeth, I'm told it's important that he (I) start brushing them. Supposedly babies don't like having their teeth brushed, so they should be introduced to it early in order to prepare them for the time when they really need it. I bought Henry a Baby Einstein toothbrush and mixed-fruit flavored toothpaste a couple of months ago, but they sat in the packaging just waiting for teeth. Somehow 2 teeth just didn't seem brush-worthy. The day after Henry's birthday, a 3rd tooth emerged. It's still only a tiny sliver of tooth, but I figured that makes 3 teeth...time to brush! The first time I tried to brush his teeth, Henry clamped his mouth shut and pushed the toothbrush away with his hand, saying "nah-nah-nah!" I finally coerced him to try the fruity toothpaste, and he was hooked. He grabbed the toothbrush, stuck it into his mouth, and sucked all of the toothpaste off. Then he chewed on the brush for a while, and even allowed me to brush his 2 1/2 teeth, which made him crack up laughing. I don't know why. Now Henry gets excited when I pick up the toothbrush. He opens his mouth and leans forward, waiting for me to brusha-brusha. Then he grabs it away and does his own version of sucking/chewing/brushing. Hopefully he'll have his Daddy's teeth - no cavitites!

This has me just cracking up! I can'twait to see this in person and brusha with Henry!
Very cute!!
If I'm ever brushing two and one-half teeth, I'll want sweet toothpaste for sure, but not someone taking my picture!
Oh, and I want a pacificer in one hand when I brush my 2 1/2 teeth!
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