Maybe he doesn't hate Halloween, but he hated wearing his costume. All of the little kids at Henry's daycare wore their costumes on Halloween, so I put Henry in his dragon/dinosaur costume when we got there in the morning. I've been calling it a dragon costume, but then I started thinking about it...don't dragons have wings? Maybe his costume is supposed to be a dinosaur. I just don't know. Anyway, Henry tried to fight me while I put on the costume, but he was o.k. for a short time once it was on. However, he DID NOT want to wear the hood. He hates to have anything on his head. He takes off all hats immediately, and the hood only made him angry because it didn't come off when he pulled on it. When I left the daycare, Henry was an angry dragon. His daycare provider, Madri, took lots of adorable pictures of the kids in their costumes. Unfortunately she was only able to get two of Henry before he started to have a melt-down. There are a few pictures showing Henry crying in the background. That evening at home, I once again tortured poor Henry by putting the costume BACK on. I thought we might go trick-or-treating to a few houses on our street. Henry had other ideas. He rolled around on the ground, crying and pulling at the costume in an attempt to undress himself. Meanwhile I was trying to get some good pictures of my little dragon. I let him hold the bowl of candy (which he liked), but every time the doorbell rang, I had to take the bowl away (which he DID NOT like). Finally, I realized that trick-or-treating wasn't going to happen, and I took off the costume. Hopefully by next year, Henry won't mind wearing his costume. Hopefully we'll get some good pictures. Hopefully we'll go trick-or-treating.
At daycare: "Mom, please don't leave me in this costume"

A very serious dragon!

Every dragon needs a binkie.

This picture was taken last Thursday at Jim's pumpkin-carving party
(before he really hated his costume).

Trying to pull the hood off! GRRRrrrrr!

Candy makes me forget about the stupid costume.

I'll take this one. I wish I had some teeth so I could eat it.

Dragons breathe fire and on that basis alone, I believe Hen was a dragon! And if he could have sprouted wings he would have two just strong enough to push him right out of that damned dragon/dinosaur outfit!
This is a child who knows what he wants! Ya gotta love it.
I guess his love of candy comes from me- I used to try to devour all my Halloween candy the first nite(at least all the good ones)Watch out next year!
Dear Gramma J--I just hope he only got your love of candy. If he got the sweet tooth from both sides, he could be in deeeeeeeeeeep tapioca!
Grammy L
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