Every month since the day Henry was born, I've taken a close-up picture of his face on the 14th (give-or-take) of the month. At first, I made SURE the picture was taken ON the 14th. But, after a while I relaxed, and a few days earlier or later was o.k. I wanted to chronicle the changes in Henry over the first year. Now that I've started, I don't think I want to stop with the first year. It's amazing to see how his precious little newborn face evolved into the beautiful boy he is today.
What a wonderful idea! He was so beautiful at every milestone. I know the blog makes it easier to be away from him for his Aunties and me, and I'm sure it does the same for his Grandma J.
What a wonderful idea! He was so beautiful at every milestone. I know the blog makes it easier to be away from him for his Aunties and me, and I'm sure it does the same for his Grandma J.
Love you guys!
You said it Lannie! Jocie's so good about chronicling Henry's development and it's so much fun to read about Henry's adventures!
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