I'm sorry for not keeping up with the blog better. This is my busy time at work. The beginning and ending of the school year are the two most stressful and busy times for a teacher. I officially had to go back to work on Monday, and I've been working on getting my classroom set up for about two weeks. Today is Saturday, and I'll be going in for a few hours later today, too. With me going back to work, that means Henry has started going to daycare. I really like his daycare provider. She is very sweet and fun and organized. The first few days, Henry loved all of the new toys and the other kids. However, after three days of being around the other kids, Henry developed a cold. I guess his little immune system needs to adjust to being around the new germs. On Monday he went to daycare, but when I picked him up, he had thrown up in the crib during a nap. So, he stayed home with Jeff on Tuesday. He did great all day and had fun with Daddy. On Wednesday, he went back to daycare, but I got called to pick him up early because he had thrown up again. He has a very sensitive gag reflex, and the coughing triggers that, causing him to throw up during a coughing fit. Anyway, he stayed home again on Thursday. He did great. He was happy and playing and seemed fine except for the occasional cough and runny nose. He went back to daycare on Friday, but I was called at lunch time because he had AGAIN thrown up in the crib. It's been a tough week! I'm hoping the 3-day weekend will give him enough time to rest and recuperate, and that he'll be happy and healthy and ready for daycare on Tuesday. Poor little honey! I don't have any recent pictures because they would all show Henry with red eyes and a snotty nose. Here are some fairly recent funny pictures....
Henry seems to think he should open his mouth really wide every time I take a picture. The camera comes out...the mouth opens wide!

Henry's Grandma Lannie bought him a really cool push toy full of blocks, but what he really loves is the box that it came in.

I have no idea why, but Henry loves to lick the wall. It's pretty odd; but funny!

Bathtime funny...everything goes into the mouth!