Before Henry was born, my friend Jill gave me BUNCHES of her old baby stuff. Even though Jill has a little girl, lots of her baby equipment, furniture & toys were gender neutral and we've gotten a lot of use out of everything. (Thanks, Jill!) In the boxes of stuff, there were even a few baby boy outfits that had been passed on through several people. Just last week I pulled out this sailor suit and figured it would be fun to try it on Henry. I thought it was ADORABLE! Obviously Henry did NOT share my sentiments. Moments after I put the outfit on him, Henry started crying. It's as if he has some kind of inner "sissy radar." He wanted that girly-boy sailor suit outfit off in the worst way! He pulled and tugged at the sleeves and pantlegs in an attempt to free himself of the garment (to no avail). I managed to snap a couple of cute pictures of him in the outfit, but most of them captured an indignant, angry little guy. I guess he won't be wearing the sailor suit out in public any time soon. He was very happy to get back into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt!
That is hilarious! I remember seeing that suit when we first went through those millions of things Jill gave you. It's a cute suit, and cute on Henry, but when the main man doesn't like what he has on, it has to come off!
That is hilarious! I remember seeing that suit when we first went through those millions of things Jill gave you. It's a cute suit, and cute on Henry, but when the main man doesn't like what he has on, it has to come off!
I guess I'll take back that sailor suite I got him for his birthday!
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