Henry seems to be feeling lots better! He still has a lingering cough, but he's in a better mood, and is finally getting back to his usual happy personality. It was hard to see Henry so grumpy, whiny, and unhappy. He even has his appetite back now. He wasn't too interested in food while sick (only bottles), but now he's making up for lost time. He had his first Ravioli-O experience a few days ago. He liked them, but not as much as Jeff, who finished the can after Henry ate 2 or 3. Check out his two teeth! He still only has the 2 bottom ones, and I've been checking daily for more, but there's no sign of anything yet. Along with about a thousand other nicknames, we like to call Henry "Two-Teeth." So, I guess it's o.k. if he doesn't get any more for a while.
Here are a couple of videos that I took last night of Henry eating and laughing. I was playing a little game of peek-a-boo from behind the camera, which he thought was extremely funny. He's laughing, squealing, and talking (with a little bit of his patented "shaky chin" action).
Oh, I love the ravioli face!! I imagine Jeff's face looked about the same after he ate them--next time maybe you can get a picture of both ravi-red faces. :-)
I'm so glad he's feeling better. Have a great weekend!
Henry's really groovyyyy!!!!!
-the sisters two
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