It was beautiful and sunny today. When I got home from work with Henry, we went out to the backyard to enjoy the warm weather. Even though his hair was messy and his face was dirty, I decided it was the perfect time to take some pictures. He had a great time playing in the metal pail and watching the dogs run around the yard. I'm going to miss weather like we had today. Here are some of the pictures from our backyard photo shoot.
He is absolutely the cutest boy EVER. Except for Cheif.
Oh my!! He is turning into a little boy right before our eyes. I can't wait to see him. What a darling face! I love the picture of he and Stella looking seriously at each other. What what they are thinking. . . well, Stella is wondering if Hen has something to eat that he'll share, we know that much.
He is absolutely the cutest boy EVER. Except for Cheif.
Methinks it might be time for a wee trim.........
Jocie you take great pics!
Love, e
Oh my!! He is turning into a little boy right before our eyes. I can't wait to see him. What a darling face! I love the picture of he and Stella looking seriously at each other. What what they are thinking. . . well, Stella is wondering if Hen has something to eat that he'll share, we know that much.
I just looked at these pictures again. I love Henry's sweats! His arms and torso look so much like Jeff's did. (Even with the little fat bracelets!)
I can't decide whether I'm going to change my desktop from "Crazy Hair" to the first pic in this series or not. Such big decisions!!
Great pics, Jocie!
The entry before this one must be Henry's middle-eastern grammy!
does this mean Im middle eastern, too?? that would ROCK.
Hey Jocie -- More Henry Please!!!
I've just been cruising the Hawaii pics for a fix.
My screen saver is Hen leaning to the side, looking to his left with his curls blowing. That picture makes me feel so good. I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
auntie liz
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