Cold weather is coming, and soon it will be hat season. I've been putting together a hat wardrobe to keep little Henry's head warm (as if all that hair won't do it). Unfortunately, every time I put a hat on his head, he pulls it right off. I barely had time to snap these pictures before the hat was off and sailing through the air.
Cute puppy dog hat. So sweet...

The argyle hat: skater boy or preppy?

Auntie Kathleen knitted this cozy Winter hat:

Henry or Elmer decide....

Obviously Henry's favorite. The fleece Jester hat.
The Elmer Fudd model is probably for Spokane this winter! And the Jester model is not a favorite at all, OBVIOUSLY!
Love him in the Argyle model, the Doggy model, and the Auntie Kath one. Where's the one Mommy knitted? :-)
Does he have any scarves for the winter?
Can't wait to see the little man --and his parents, too.
Total Fudd! I think you should knit Hen a hat with the hair on his head. Maybe while he sleeps you could lean over the crib and click away....
He could wear it all winter, then shave it in the spring!
The argyle might be my fave. Or Katha knitted.
see you soon! e
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