Henry really loves music. He's been humming and singing on-key since he was a little baby. Now that he watches way too much Little Einsteins, he's even more into music. He's very interested in instruments (like Little Einstein's Quincy), so I bought him a plastic trumpet. When I gave it to him, his face lit up like it was Christmas. As he played with it, he kept saying, "Thank you Mommy for my trumpet!" I had thought about offering the trumpet as a potty-training reward, but I ended up just giving it to him. When I saw how much he loved the trumpet, I told him that I had given him the trumpet to make him happy, and I asked him if he would go pee-pee on the toilet to make ME happy. After six months of boycotting the toilet, he went! He's gone 2 or 3 times since then. Hooray for the trumpet!

His second favorite new toy is the Dollar Store recorder that I brought home from school on Friday.

Henry also likes to "conduct." Lately he's been carrying around a plastic xylophone mallet that he calls his "conducting baton." He flaps his hands and arms crazily to the music. I tried to catch him on video, but he wasn't as into it as usual. I do like how he requests a different song by humming it for me.
Maybe he'll be conducting (or playing in) the symphony someday!
1 comment:
oh my gosh! That is so cute. I love the Louie Armstrong cheeks! It looks like he knows how to push those valves, too.
He has good taste in music!
Love, Grammy
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