We got to spend time with my side of the family during the first part of the Christmas vacation. My dad and Eileen got married on December 20, so we had lots of family in town. I don't have a single picture from their wedding. My dad told me that there would be plenty of pictures from the photographers, so eventually I'll have some good pictures, but for now I have a few of our visits before and after the wedding. Unfortunately my dad's wedding coincided with "Arctic Blast 2008!" The day of their wedding was a complete white-out blizzard. It was treacherous driving, but we still had fun. The night before the wedding, we went to my dad's house to visit with the family.
Henry loved the cool Christmas train.
So did Nathan!
This is 4 generations of Willis men. Nathan, Greg, Grandpa (Lloyd) and Dad (Norm).
Here's Peyton with her Great Grandpa.
Esther, Marianne, and Grandpa.
Jeff, Henry, and I were supposed to leave on the 22nd for Spokane to spend Christmas with his family, but due to the weather, our flight was canceled. We ended up flying there on the 26th instead, so we were in town for Christmas with the Willises. It was nice to spend some extra time with family that we don't get to see very often. The weather was brutal, but we chained up Jeff's car and drove out to my dad's house a few times. They lost power for a couple of days, so we spent time sitting by the fire bundled up to stay warm. It was COLD!
Me & my grandpa.
My Great-Uncle Bob (my grandpa's younger brother) with my Uncle Kirt (my dad's younger brother).

As a Christmas gift, my dad told each of us that he would pay for us to fly to Virginia to see my grandparents some time this year. I'm not sure when we'll do it. Maybe in the summer. I'm already looking forward to it!
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