With the Wintery weather at the end of December, we spent quite a bit of time stuck at home. We didn't have chains for my car, and I really wouldn't have wanted to drive in the snow anyway, so we only had one car. Jeff was great about driving us places in the snow, even though we spun out while driving twice. After spinning at least 360 degrees, Henry was laughing and saying, "I wanna spin again!" I'm glad he liked it because I almost had a heart attack.
Spending lots of time at home gets very boring after a while, so I was searching for fun things to do with Henry. I broke into one of his stocking stuffers early (some bath color tablets), and he had some colorful baths. He LOVED it! One night we did a turquoise bath.

The next night was Christmas Eve. Jeff was out of town working, and I had no car, so Henry and I were stuck at home. More colored baths! We started out with bright pink.

Then we made the water purple!

Then I completely indulged Henry by draining the water and refilling the tub to make green water, as requested. It WAS Christmas Eve, afterall.

Now Henry wants to take multiple baths each day! I guess that's not so bad.
the last picture must have had invisible water which made everything disappear I don't see anything. Love all the colors!!
NOW the second green bath picture is there
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