Henry's Grammy came for a visit last weekend. Henry loved spending time with her, especially reading books.

I read books with Henry every single day. It's one of our favorite things to do together.

Even though I'll miss summer, I always like the beginning of Fall so that we can start wearing our new Fall clothes.

Henry looks so grown up in his new clothes. TOO grown up!

Our big handsome boy in the front yard yesterday.

We went to Greg & Marianne's yesterday for dinner. Here's Nathan in his car...
Henry loves their dog, Charlie. He kept saying, "Charlie's a big, big puppy!"

Jeff likes Charlie, too!

Henry loves his cousin, Peyton!

Nathan in his Buzz Lightyear goggles...

Oh no! Mommy kisses!

Henry gets some Mommy kisses, too...

This would have been a good picture if our heads weren't cut off!

This one is nice. Thanks, Marianne!

Jeff is relaxing outside after the great meal.

It's far away, but in the distance you can see Henry & Nathan hugging. It's better than the pushing that has suddenly become commonplace.

I didn't get any pictures of Greg while we were there...I'll try to get him next time.
1 comment:
OMG, Joce, he looks like such a BIG boy!!!! I can't believe he'll soon be three. They grow up sooo quickly... *Sigh* He's such a handsome little cutie... I want to give him some smooches, too!!!!
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