Today is Henry's grandpa's birthday. We went to his house for a party yesterday, and we practiced saying "Happy Birthday" in the car on the way over (he said it many times), but he wouldn't say it once we got there. He said it a bunch more times today, but wouldn't say it when I called and left a birthday message for my dad. He refused again when I was talking to my dad later on the phone. But...once he was in the bath tub tonight, he kept saying, "Happy Birthday, Grandpa!" I grabbed my camera, and captured it on film.
I always ask Henry questions like, "what does a cow say?" or "what does a duck say?" The other day I thought it would be funny to ask him "what does Mama say?" He just stared blankly at me. Then I asked him "what does Daddy say?" He immediately replied, "BestGuy!" which is what Jeff calls Henry. If I ask him "what does Henry say?" he says, "Gooly-gooly-goo!" After some coaching, when I ask him "what does Mama say?" he'll now say "Yuh you." (Love you). Earlier today I asked Henry, "what does Grandpa say?" and he replied with "Hi, Henry." When I asked him again while filming the Happy Birthday message, he either growled or hocked a loogie...I'm not sure which.
So, Dad, here is your birthday message from Henry...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Advanced Henrish
Henry has started speaking in phrases and sentences. When Jeff leaves the room, Henry will ask, "Whea Daddy go?" He will also cover his eyes and say, "Whea Hewee go? Hewee, wheah ah you?"
When I put Henry to bed a few nights ago, his beloved Snakey wasn't in the crib, so he said "Whea Snakey go? Get it, pease!" Now that he's figured that one out, he's been ordering me to "Get it, pease!" anytime he wants anything. He also tells me to "Go find it!" when he needs something, such as "Binkie...go find it!" The good thing is that when I give him something that he's asked for, he usually says "fink you, Mama."
Today we were driving home and singing songs. Henry is doing a great job singing the ABC song, so we sang that several times. When I started singing it again for the 4th or 5th time, Henry interrupted me and said, "How 'bout Twinkle Twinkle?"

The VERY BEST sentence that Henry has been saying recently comes when I put him to bed. The last thing I hear as I close his bedroom door is, "I yuh you...goo-night."
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Cookie Monster
Our new deck
We REALLY needed a new deck. I don't think I mentioned it on the blog, but back in July I stepped on a rotted piece of wood on our deck, and my leg crashed through the deck up to my thigh. I had the worst bruises I've ever had, and the deck was left with a gaping hole which we covered with Henry's picnic table. I'm just glad it wasn't Henry who fell through the deck. So, it was long overdue, and we finally got a new deck!
They demolished our old deck and framed the new deck last Monday. Then we didn't have a deck at all for 6 days. That was hard with two dogs
They nailed down the deck boards on Sunday. We could finally walk out our sliding door. Henry and the dogs were very happy.
They put up the railing today, so now we're all set! It will be perfect for Henry's birthday party next month. Now all we need is some patio furniture and nice weather.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Fall 2007
Tomorrow is the first official day of Fall. The days are getting shorter, and the weather is getting cooler. Around here, there have already been some tell-tale signs of Fall.
Fleece pajamas have reappeared.
Shoes and socks have replaced Crocs.
The air conditioning fan is no longer running, prompting Henry to stand next to it saying, "fan...fan...on, pease!"
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I've been wanting to tell a funny Henry story, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to share with the blogosphere. Oh well, I will anyway. Whenever someone in our family...umm...let's say "passes gas," Henry immediately replies loudly with "Baaaahhh!" Like a sheep. I have no idea why he does this, but it's so funny. Even if he is the passer of the gas, he will still "baaahhhh" right back at it. Yesterday I was changing his diaper, and while on the changing table, with his diaper off, he farted. It was pretty loud without the diaper on, so he "baaahhhhed" extra loud! So, if you come to our house, don't try to sneak one out when you're alone in a room with Henry. We'll know exactly what you're up to when we hear Henry's "baaahhhh!"
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Car & Driver
Henry got a new car! Actually it's an old car, but it's new to him. One of the moms at my school gave it to him. Her kids were done with it, and she thought Henry might like it. The car is at least 6 or 7 years old, and has gone through her 4 kids, but Henry doesn't care! As soon as he saw it he hopped right in with a big smile, and he drove it around and pushed it in our driveway and up and down our street.
Here's a video of Henry and his new wheels:
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Henry's Alphabet Adventure
Check out this video of Henry. He absolutely LOVES it and has watched it at least 20 times.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
He Loves Me...He Loves Me Not....

Henry will NOT say "I love you" to me. He knows more words than I can count, and he will repeat almost anything that I say. But he won't say "I love you." He will say "animal expedition" and "orange ball" and "chicka chicka boom boom." He will spell his name, count to 10, and sing "Twinkle Twinkle." But will he say that he loves his mama? NO! I've been saying "I love you" to him since he was born. I say it first thing in the morning and many times throughout the day, and I always say it when I put him to bed at night. I know he's very familiar with the phrase! But he won't say it. I've tried saying "say 'I love you'" or "say 'I love you Mama.'" He just looks at me and smiles or says, "book" or "outside" or "tickle." Last week Jeff and I were playing with him and I asked Henry to say, "I love you Daddy." Henry said, "wuh-wuh Dada." Close enough! Great! So I asked him to say "wuh-wuh Mama." He pointed at the lamp and said, "wuh-wuh yamp." He has said, "wuh-wuh Snakey" several times.
Yesterday as we were driving, Henry said, "wuh-wuh tree...wuh-wuh car...wuh-wuh sun." He refuses to say "wuh-wuh Mama."
There could be several reasons for this:
A) He doesn't love me. (kidding...I think)
B) He's toying with me.
C) He's being stubborn.
D) He doesn't understand the concept.
E) Something else. Any ideas???
Even though I really want him to say "I love you" to me, I can definitely see the humor in the fact that he won't. I know that he loves me. I know it when he hugs me. I know it when he cries for me. I know it when he runs to me when I pick him up from daycare. I know it when he strokes my hair. I know it when he smiles at me. I have no doubt that my son loves me, but it will be sweet music to my ears when I hear his cute little voice saying "I love you, Mama."
There could be several reasons for this:
A) He doesn't love me. (kidding...I think)
B) He's toying with me.
C) He's being stubborn.
D) He doesn't understand the concept.
E) Something else. Any ideas???
Even though I really want him to say "I love you" to me, I can definitely see the humor in the fact that he won't. I know that he loves me. I know it when he hugs me. I know it when he cries for me. I know it when he runs to me when I pick him up from daycare. I know it when he strokes my hair. I know it when he smiles at me. I have no doubt that my son loves me, but it will be sweet music to my ears when I hear his cute little voice saying "I love you, Mama."
Monday, September 10, 2007
Daddy's Jeans
After Henry was born, Lannie (Jeff's mom) gave us some of Jeff's old clothes and toys from when he was little. I've been waiting for something to fit, and on Saturday Henry wore his Daddy's old jeans! They're a little big, but they looked SO CUTE on him. It's amazing to think that Jeff wore those jeans about 36 years ago.
On Saturday Henry and I picked up this electric train that I bought on Craigslist. It rides on train tracks, and has real train sounds. It will be perfect for his train-themed 2nd birthday party next month.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Get your popcorn...it's Movie Time!
Another Bath Video
Henry has learned to answer when asked, "what's your name?" Also, he has become a little parrot, and will usually say just about anything I ask him to say...when he feels like it.
Story Time with Daddy
Henry LOVES books. I'm pretty sure that having books read to him is Henry's all-time favorite thing to do. "Drummer Hoff" was one of Jeff's favorite stories when he was little, and now it's one of Henry's favorites.
Henry got a new toy last weekend. He loves to turn the crank and then say "peek-a-boo" when Sir Topham Hatt pops up. I'm not sure why Stella keeps sniffing his arm in this video. Henry was watching this video on our computer yesterday, and it CRACKED HIM UP! He must have watched it 50 times. Each time it ended he said, "again...again!" I need a video of him watching the video!
Eating a Popsicle
Henry had fun making a mess with a grape popsicle.
Henry has learned to answer when asked, "what's your name?" Also, he has become a little parrot, and will usually say just about anything I ask him to say...when he feels like it.
Story Time with Daddy
Henry LOVES books. I'm pretty sure that having books read to him is Henry's all-time favorite thing to do. "Drummer Hoff" was one of Jeff's favorite stories when he was little, and now it's one of Henry's favorites.
Henry got a new toy last weekend. He loves to turn the crank and then say "peek-a-boo" when Sir Topham Hatt pops up. I'm not sure why Stella keeps sniffing his arm in this video. Henry was watching this video on our computer yesterday, and it CRACKED HIM UP! He must have watched it 50 times. Each time it ended he said, "again...again!" I need a video of him watching the video!
Eating a Popsicle
Henry had fun making a mess with a grape popsicle.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Better than a sharp stick in the eye!
Henry is fascinated with sticks. He loves pencils, pens, sticks, and all things stick-shaped.

I don't like the idea of him carrying around pencils and other potentially eye-poking devices, but he insists. We give him unsharpened pencils to reduce the likelihood of injury, but I still worry about it.

Monday I was playing with Henry in the backyard, and naturally he had a stick in each hand. I was sitting on the grass, and he lunged at me and fell down. He was facing away from me, so I didn't see what happened, but he immediately wailed and then started screaming/crying. My first thought was that he'd finally poked himself in the eye with a stick. I was wrong...but close. He poked himself in the skin at the corner of the eye. Just MILIMETERS away from the actual eyeball. Even though he screamed and cried and almost hyper-ventilated, even though I had to hold him and stroke his hair throughout an entire Baby Einstein video before he would stop crying, even though he has a little scab in the corner of his eye, I was SO GLAD that he didn't poke himself IN the eye.
Look how close that injury is to his beautiful eye (double-click on the picture to see it bigger)! It really IS better than a sharp stick in the eye!

I don't like the idea of him carrying around pencils and other potentially eye-poking devices, but he insists. We give him unsharpened pencils to reduce the likelihood of injury, but I still worry about it.

Monday I was playing with Henry in the backyard, and naturally he had a stick in each hand. I was sitting on the grass, and he lunged at me and fell down. He was facing away from me, so I didn't see what happened, but he immediately wailed and then started screaming/crying. My first thought was that he'd finally poked himself in the eye with a stick. I was wrong...but close. He poked himself in the skin at the corner of the eye. Just MILIMETERS away from the actual eyeball. Even though he screamed and cried and almost hyper-ventilated, even though I had to hold him and stroke his hair throughout an entire Baby Einstein video before he would stop crying, even though he has a little scab in the corner of his eye, I was SO GLAD that he didn't poke himself IN the eye.

Look how close that injury is to his beautiful eye (double-click on the picture to see it bigger)! It really IS better than a sharp stick in the eye!
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