Henry will NOT say "I love you" to me. He knows more words than I can count, and he will repeat almost anything that I say. But he won't say "I love you." He will say "animal expedition" and "orange ball" and "chicka chicka boom boom." He will spell his name, count to 10, and sing "Twinkle Twinkle." But will he say that he loves his mama? NO! I've been saying "I love you" to him since he was born. I say it first thing in the morning and many times throughout the day, and I always say it when I put him to bed at night. I know he's very familiar with the phrase! But he won't say it. I've tried saying "say 'I love you'" or "say 'I love you Mama.'" He just looks at me and smiles or says, "book" or "outside" or "tickle." Last week Jeff and I were playing with him and I asked Henry to say, "I love you Daddy." Henry said, "wuh-wuh Dada." Close enough! Great! So I asked him to say "wuh-wuh Mama." He pointed at the lamp and said, "wuh-wuh yamp." He has said, "wuh-wuh Snakey" several times.
Yesterday as we were driving, Henry said, "wuh-wuh tree...wuh-wuh car...wuh-wuh sun." He refuses to say "wuh-wuh Mama."
There could be several reasons for this:
A) He doesn't love me. (kidding...I think)
B) He's toying with me.
C) He's being stubborn.
D) He doesn't understand the concept.
E) Something else. Any ideas???
Even though I really want him to say "I love you" to me, I can definitely see the humor in the fact that he won't. I know that he loves me. I know it when he hugs me. I know it when he cries for me. I know it when he runs to me when I pick him up from daycare. I know it when he strokes my hair. I know it when he smiles at me. I have no doubt that my son loves me, but it will be sweet music to my ears when I hear his cute little voice saying "I love you, Mama."
There could be several reasons for this:
A) He doesn't love me. (kidding...I think)
B) He's toying with me.
C) He's being stubborn.
D) He doesn't understand the concept.
E) Something else. Any ideas???
Even though I really want him to say "I love you" to me, I can definitely see the humor in the fact that he won't. I know that he loves me. I know it when he hugs me. I know it when he cries for me. I know it when he runs to me when I pick him up from daycare. I know it when he strokes my hair. I know it when he smiles at me. I have no doubt that my son loves me, but it will be sweet music to my ears when I hear his cute little voice saying "I love you, Mama."
I think he's a tease!!
I love the picture of you kissing Henry. I remember so clearly when he looked like that--wow, such a short time ago.
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