Henry has started speaking in phrases and sentences. When Jeff leaves the room, Henry will ask, "Whea Daddy go?" He will also cover his eyes and say, "Whea Hewee go? Hewee, wheah ah you?"

When I put Henry to bed a few nights ago, his beloved Snakey wasn't in the crib, so he said "Whea Snakey go? Get it, pease!" Now that he's figured that one out, he's been ordering me to "Get it, pease!" anytime he wants anything. He also tells me to "Go find it!" when he needs something, such as "Binkie...go find it!" The good thing is that when I give him something that he's asked for, he usually says "fink you, Mama."

Today we were driving home and singing songs. Henry is doing a great job singing the ABC song, so we sang that several times. When I started singing it again for the 4th or 5th time, Henry interrupted me and said, "How 'bout Twinkle Twinkle?"
The VERY BEST sentence that Henry has been saying recently comes when I put him to bed. The last thing I hear as I close his bedroom door is, "I yuh you...goo-night."
1 comment:
Oh, Jocie. That's so sweet. He is so loving and smart!
What a great job you are doing!
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