Henry is enjoying swimming lessons every M-W-F. They're not really lessons. They're more like baby playtime in the pool. There's a group of 8-10 moms and babies, and we sing songs and play with balls and toys and flotation devices. Henry really loves it. Today he was splashing, kicking, and cracking up laughing while we were in the pool.
Henry also loves Baby Einstein! Jeff & I weren't going to let Henry watch t.v. until he was a bit older, but after seeing how much he loved the Baby Einstein DVDs on the plane, I've been letting him watch one a day (on most days). He loves the "Baby MacDonald" episode. As soon as the show starts, and he sees the Baby Einstein caterpillar, his face breaks out into a HUGE smile. For some reason, the cow puppet really cracks him up. They are only about 30 mins. long, so it's a perfect amount of time for me to make and eat breakfast or do a load of laundry or update the blog! Here he is this morning glued to the show:

What do you do with a crawling baby when you need to get ready and don't want him getting into trouble? I guess you could put him in his crib or his exersaucer. This was my effective solution the other day:

Henry got to meet his youngest cousin yesterday at Grandpa's house. He has 8 cousins, and Oliver is the only one who is younger than Henry (3 months younger). They played together a little bit, but now that Henry is crawling, he doesn't stay in one place for too long. Here they are together:

When Henry wakes up, he doesn't cry. He talks and laughs and squeals. I usually give him some time to play before going into his room to get him. When he was tiny, I used to find him lying in the exact same spot where he was when I left. Then as he grew older, I'd find him on his tummy. Then I started finding him sitting up in his crib. Now this is what I find when I go into his room:

O.K. That's all for now. You've been updated on the recent Henry happenings.
p.s. You can click on any of the pictures to enlarge them.
p.p.s. You can leave comments so that I know people are reading (and hopefully enjoying) the blog! Just click on the comments link below the post. I accidentally had a "moderate comments" setting checked, so no comments were showing up. I've since fixed that. Thanks for the comments, Lannie!