Becky, a friend from work, stopped by on the 4th of July to bring Henry a present. Wow, a 4th of July present! I am all for that. I love presents of any kind; for any reason. Just think what kind of trends a 4th of July present could start...Arbor Day presents, April Fool's Day presents, Summer Equinox presents. This really opens up a whole new world of gift-giving. Anyway, Becky stopped by and gave Henry an adorable red & white straw cowboy hat that she'd found at a rodeo. Remember how we needed one to go with those boots? Since it was the 4th of July, Henry was dressed in his red, white & blue. Therefore, I decided we must take pictures of him in his festive outfit accessorized by the new hat! Sometimes the photo sessions don't go as planned. Maybe babies & hats don't mix. Maybe Henry wasn't in the mood. Maybe it was my fault.
For all of you who have commented on how Henry never takes a bad picture...here you go.

Thanks for the hat, Becky! Only 59 more shopping days 'till Labor Day...
1 comment:
Okay -- Labor Day is off limits to all but me, as that is my own personal holiday and all prizes come directly to my door! However, I have provided a few alternative Holidays on which we all may be showered with treats!....
Presidents Day, Saint Patricks Day, Lincoln's B-Day, Ramadan (heavy on prizes!), Patriot's Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day (orthopedic prizes), Inauguration Day, MLK Day, Rosh Hoshanah, GroundHog Day, Valentine's Day, Earth Day,United Nation's Day, Halloween, April Fools Day, Good Friday, Cinco De Mayo,Stepfamily Day, Citizenship Day, Kwaanza, Sweetest Day, Great American Smokeout, Native American Day, Wright Brother's Day, Peace Day, Leif Erikson Day, Pearl Harbor Day, Aviation Day, Law Day, Loyalty Day, Thomas Jefferson's Birthday, Maritime Day, 9/11 Day (lame prizes, toy airplanes not recommended), Superbowl, Daytona 500, Kentucky Derby Day, BCS Title Game Day, March Madness Finals Day, Dias De Las Muertas, May Day, Ash Wednesday, Boxing Day, Canada Day, Guy Fawkes Day, Lantern Day, Lunar New Year, Mardi Gras, Mexican Independence Day, Passover, Sadie Hawkins Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Shrove Tuesday, Tomb Sweeping Day (another dull one -- you must provide your own broom), Yom Kippur.
Must Go Shopping. Bastille Day is on the 14th.
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