We're leaving tomorrow for Hawaii (not by train, as Henry's picture may have you thinking) for 10 days. The good things are: Henry will get to spend time with his Grandma Jackie, I will see lots of friends at my high school reunion, we'll spend time at the beach and in the pool, we will enjoy 10 days of nice, warm Maui weather. The bad things are: I have to travel alone on a LONG flight with a 9-month-old, I won't be able to update the blog, and most of all, we'll miss Jeff terribly. Daddy has never been away from Henry for more than an overnight. He claims that he'll miss ME, but I think it will be harder for him to be away from Henry. He's just so darn fun to be around!
If I happen upon a computer while I'm on Maui, I may be able to post a quick update and possibly add some pictures. We'll see.
For now... Aloha!
Today I was on a flight from Palm Springs to Sacramento with a 10 month old boy who was as cute as he could be. He was slapping the tray and making rasperries and shouting every so often--DA DA DE DE GAGAGA and lauging. We across the aisle were enjoying hih immensely. I hope Henry is being so enjoyed on your flights!
Have fun!!
Have a wonderful time. I know his Jackie-Gramma is going to have lots of hugs and loves and wonderful times.
I'm looking forward to seeing all those pictures!
Love, Lan
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