How old is Henry?


Sunday, April 05, 2009

Mickey Mania

Henry is the kind of kid who is always obsessed with something. He was in love with Thomas the Tank Engine for about a year. He watched nothing but Thomas on t.v. He played with his trains every single day. He constantly asked us for new trains that he didn't already have. He practically ate, drank and breathed Thomas. Then one day, he was over Thomas. All of a sudden it was nothing but Little Einsteins. The show, the toys, the books, the t-shirts. Henry constantly quoted the Little Einsteins and talked about their adventures. I scoured the internet for Little Einsteins underwear (to no avail) in hopes that it would help with potty training. Quincy, Leo, June and Annie were his new best friends. Not anymore. They, too, have been replaced. Now Mickey Mouse is IT. Henry watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He plays with Mickey Mouse toys, has Mickey Mouse pajamas, a Mickey Mouse cup, and for the past 2 1/2 days has constantly worn his Mickey Mouse ears. They've only come off for sleep or baths. A couple of weeks ago, we went to a friend's house, and their daughter had a pair of Minnie Mouse ears. Henry wore those ears the entire time we were there. When we left, he didn't understand why we couldn't just take the ears with "Hannah" embroidered on them in pink to our house. My friends suggested that we check the Disney Store for them. So the next morning I called the store, only to find out that the ears are only sold at the theme parks. So, we hopped on a plane and... No. We didn't. I looked online and sure enough, you can buy them from someone who probably buys a bunch at a theme park and then sells them for double the price to poor suckers like me. The ears arrived on Thursday, and by Friday they were stuck on Henry's head like glue. He even kissed them goodnight. He now prefers to be called Mickey. He walked into the room wearing the ears and said "Hi Mommy." When I answered with "Hi Henry," he quickly corrected me. "It's Hi MICKEY MOUSE!" If anyone is going to Disneyland anytime soon, please let me know. I have a feeling we'll need a backup pair. Unless he moves on to something else soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little Einsteins have really fallen by the waysidewith Thomas???Hard to believe!GJ