we took Henry to the fountain. He was completely uninterested in playing in the water. He whimpered when the water mist blew into his face. He ran from the fountain area. He much preferred the playground.
I'm not sure why he hated the fountain so much. Actually, it could have stemmed from a recent incident. We were playing in the backyard, and he was fascinated by the hose. I had the hose turned to the MIST setting, and Henry was loving it. He kept laughing and laughing when the mist hit him. In fact, it was so funny that I grabbed my camera to record his laughter. Well, the video tells a different tale...
Worst Mom of the Year Award coming my way?
Soooo sweet! I love the pic of Daddy and Henry. Oh.my.god. Love it! And, you are totally rocking the pigtails, girl!!!!! Love you guys.
tee hee. Poor kid. What a bad mommy. ;-) Sure he was enjoying in BEFORE you took the camera out. wink wink.
My timing with the video camera too. I just can't seem to get the moments of glee, only the tears that come suddenly when I start filming.
Love the pictures of the boy. He looks so big in that first one. Very very cute pics, mr. serious!
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