How old is Henry?


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

We hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day today! Jeff made us a special steak & lobster dinner last night, and he bought roses for me and a giant balloon for Henry. We celebrated a day early because we weren't sure whether Jeff would be home tonight. It turns out he is home, but we just hung out and watched Survivor.

It has been beautiful here this week. Henry & I played outside on the deck when we got home. Henry wore his special Valentine's Day outfit today. His hat says "Prince Charming" and his shirt says "Heartbreakers" with a #14 on the front.
We played with the bubble machine again. Henry LOVES IT!

Here's another little trip down Memory Lane...

Henry's 1st Valentine's Day (4 months old):

Henry's 2nd Valentine's Day (16 months old):

Henry's 3rd Valentine's Day (28 months old):He's such a little BOY now! Here's a video of Henry playing outside:

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