How old is Henry?


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Oliver's Birthday Party

On Sunday we drove down to Eugene for Henry's cousin, Oliver's, birthday party. Oliver is Henry's only younger cousin (3 months younger than Henry). It was fun to watch the kids play together, and it was fun to visit with this part of our family that we don't get to see often enough!
Oliver is a little guy, but he's TWO!!

Cousin Theo, Auntie Alison & Cousin Oliver get ready for the "Happy Birthday" song.

Make a wish, Oliver!

Henry LOVED this remote control race track. I might have to make a trip to Toys "R" Us soon!

Henry gave Oliver a little push on the toy train.

Grandpa & Eileen were there to help Oliver celebrate, too!

We have lots of January birthdays to celebrate. Oliver's birthday was on January 12. Auntie Marianne's birthday was on January 14. Cousin Jacob's birthday is on January 16. Auntie Kathleen's birthday is on January 18. Uncle Greg's birthday is on January 30. Happy Birthday to all of our January birthday relatives! It's a busy birthday month!

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