How old is Henry?


Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

It's been cold and rainy for about a week now, and Henry doesn't like it. He loves "ow-side" and he's mad when I won't let him go out. Even though I keep the sliding glass door closed now that it's turning Wintery, Henry just uses the doggy door whenever he wants. So, now I have to put the cover on the doggy door to keep him inside. The other day he asked and asked and asked to go out, so finally I put on his rain boots and jacket, and we headed outside. I was all set to take some cute rainy day pictures, when he slipped on the wet deck and fell down. He wasn't actually hurt, but he was mad!
I tried to comfort him and tried to get him to play with his trucks outside, but he ran back inside angrily.When I went in, I found him happy as a clam, sitting at the computer. Forget outside!!

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