How old is Henry?


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fun at the Doctor's Office

Henry had his 2-year check-up on Tuesday. I was worried about how he would react to the shots now that he's old enough to realize what's going on. I shouldn't have worried about the shots because he was already screaming and crying so hard by the time the shot happened, he couldn't possibly have been more upset. I have NEVER seen Henry melt down like he did at the doctor's office. He was fine in the waiting room. We colored and read a book. Then we were called back, and they weighed him. So far so good. Then we walked into the exam room, and he started to look worried. I sat him down on the exam table, and the first thing the nurse wanted to do was measure his head circumfrence. He FREAKED OUT! He would not let her wrap the tape measure around his head. He screamed, he flailed, he kicked. I had to hold him down just to get his head measured. We were not off to a very good start. Once the nurse left, Henry calmed down quite a bit. We read books, and he explored the exam room for a while. Then he got bored. He kept saying, "Go bye-bye? Home? Rocco-Stella?" He jiggled the door handle repeatedly trying to get out. Finally the doctor came in. I love his pediatrician. She's so sweet and nice, and she genuinely loves kids. She happily greeted Henry, and he immediately started crying. He did NOT want her to look in his ears...or his mouth...or his nose. He did NOT want her to listen to his heartbeat. He DEFINITELY did NOT want her to touch his "peesee." He screamed and cried and kicked and hit and squirmed and arched his back. He would not be comforted, and I could barely hear a word the doctor said over his screaming. I had several questions that I wanted to ask, but I completely forgot them. She said that we could come back for the shot another time when he's calmer, but I decided to go ahead with the shot rather than upset him on two separate occasions. As soon as the nurse gave him the shot, I quickly dressed him, and we ran out the door. On our way out every nurse, doctor, and receptionist stared at us to find out WHO the demon-child was, and WHO his horrible mother was that couldn't control her child. All in all it was not a good time. I don't think we have to go back until he's 3, but I don't know that for sure since I didn't remember to ask, and I wouldn't have heard her answer anyway.

Henry's 2-year stats...
Head Circumfrence: 18.5 inches (10th percentile) PEANUT HEAD! He's been in this range since birth, so they're not concerned.
Weight: 28 lbs. (50th percentile) RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE
Height: 37 inches (95th percentile) The doctor was convinced that they didn't get his height measured accurately because he was flailing around, and previously he's been at about the 50th percentile for height. But, I measured him at home last night and I got 37 inches maybe he IS tall!

Pictures of my big 2-year-old....


Anonymous said...

What an awful visit!! I think he is tall! Actually, I think he's perfect in all ways.

Kathleen said...

That sucks, Jocie. Last time I was at the doctor a woman came out holding her sleeping baby and the woman was sobbing! Turns out the baby had her first shots and the mom was traumatized. The baby? Didn't even wake up. I hope that kid never gets a skinned knee or a bump on the noggin!