How old is Henry?


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Home Sweet Home

We just got back from Seattle today, and it's good to be home! With our beach trip and our Seattle trip, we've been gone for a week, with only one night home in between. We had fun visiting with Jeff's family and spending time with Jill and her family, but it's hard being away from home with a toddler. Of course Henry was doted on by his Grammy and his Aunties, and he just LOVED playing with Madison's toys. But, after a short time at Jill's house or Kathleen's house or a restaurant, Henry would start saying, "Bye? Bye? Bye-bye?" I guess he was wondering when we were going home. He doesn't sleep very well away from home, either. At home he goes to bed without a single tear between 7:30 and 8:00. While we were away, he didn't go to bed until 9:00 or later, and that was after lots of crying. The drive home today was HORRIBLE. During the 3-hour drive, he only slept for 40 minutes, and he SCREAMED and CRIED the rest of the 2 hours and 20 minutes. I even pulled over to make sure there wasn't something hurting him, but he was fine. As soon as we got home, he ran outside and ran into his castle. He was as happy as can be playing at home in his backyard.

He had a great time playing and laughing in the bathtub.
I put him into his crib at 7:10, and I left the room for a moment, and came back to find him fast asleep.

I think Henry is very happy to be home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sound asleep with his little foot sticking out between the slats of his crib!!

He is so funny and so opinionated! It was great to see him!

Shake a leg! :-)