Henry and I had a fun day today. We started out by going to his art class. There was a tub filled with water and floating toys, and the first thing that Henry did was to step right into the tub. Then he sat down in the water! His shorts were soaking wet for the rest of the class.

He liked playing with the foam dough. It was like colorful rice krispie treats, but not quite as sticky. He tried to eat some, but quickly realized it wasn't too tasty.

He also liked the finger paints on the mirror, but he didn't actually want to paint. He just wanted to stand on the mirror and get paint on his shoes.

It was 90 degrees out today, so after dinner I filled Henry's swimming pool with fresh water so that he could splash his hands in the water.

Up to this point, he's never wanted to get INTO the pool, so I didn't bother putting on his bathing suit. Of course today was the day he decided to get into the pool...fully clothed.

He LOVED playing in the pool!

I took a video of Henry splashing and playing. It's kind of long (almost 3 minutes), but I'm sure the grandmas will want to watch the whole thing. He laughs and sings and spins around. He's so cute! I just want to freeze time and keep my baby this age forever. I love him so much, and I love spending these summer days with him.
1 comment:
You are right, Jocie. This Gramma watched the whole thing and I'm sure Gramma J will watch it too!
He is mister precious!!
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