How old is Henry?


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Fake Coughing & Communicating

I'm not sure why he thinks it's so funny, but Henry loves to fake cough. He likes to play a game where he fake coughs, then I fake cough, then we laugh, then we start all over. This video shows some of his fake coughing, but it also shows him communicating in sign language! We took a baby signing class over the summer, and he just recently started doing a couple of the signs. He will do the sign for "all done" (hands palm up and then turned over) when he's finished eating in his highchair. He tries to do the sign for "more" (fingertips from both hands touching together) but it looks just like clapping. Depending on when he does it, you can tell whether he means "more." Henry's also starting to say words! He's been saying "Momma" and "Dada" for a long time, but he recently said baby, baba (what we call his bottle), and cracker (it sounded like "ca-ca"). I'm so excited to hear his cute little voice talking!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful fake coughing, Henry. Voice play is so cute! I can't believe how tall he is in his high chair. When we first started putting him in it, he could barely see over the tray!

I can't wait to hear his sweet voice saying words. One week and one day and you'll be here! Maybe he can learn to say Grammy. (I won't get my hopes too high.)