How old is Henry?


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ready, Set, Crawl!

Henry's ALMOST crawling! He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. Sometimes he pushes with his arms, but that only moves him backwards. Sometimes he gets one foot stuck underneath himself and pivots around in a circle. Sometimes he lunges his whole body forward from the hands and knees position. Even though he's not officially crawling yet, through a series of rocking, pushing, rolling, lying down and sitting up, he is mobile. I'm not sure if I'm happy, sad, or terrified. On one hand, it's exciting to see Henry develop new skills and make progress of any kind. On the other hand, he's growing up so fast, and sometimes that makes me sad. Besides, now I'll have to babyproof the house and watch him like a hawk. Uggghhh. A few unfortunate "crawling" situations resulted in Henry under the coffee table crying because he couldn't get himself out. I quickly removed him from the coffee table jail, and he immediately pushed himself (backwards) back underneath. Another fun thing that's happened repeatedly is that Henry managed to roll-pivot-lunge himself over to the computer tower and remove the wireless mouse plug-in from the USB port. He thought it was a fun game, but I didn't think it was so much fun (especially after the 5th or 6th time).

It's probably only a matter of days or weeks before he's full-blown crawling all over the house like a maniac. Then he'll soon be walking. Then driving. Then moving out. I miss my baby even though he's still a baby!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!! I just put some pictures of Jeff in the mail to you. One is him caught under the side of the bed because he was crawling backwards--at about 8 and one-half months!

Henry looks so thrilled with himself! What wonderful exploration he'll be involved in very soon! He just gets cuter and cuter--and happier and happier with himself!

Thanks for the update!
Love, Lannie