Nathan and Greg came over for a barbecue a couple of weeks ago while Marianne and Peyton were in Arizona for the weekend. The boys had a lot of fun running, chasing, laughing, and playing in the castle.

We got Henry's hair cut pretty short for the summer. I love his long curls, but it gets to be pretty unruly after a while.

I had a really nice Mother's Day. There were flowers and a nice card from Jeff and Henry waiting for me when I woke up. Jeff made us a great breakfast, then sent me off shopping by myself for my own Mother's Day gift. Then Jeff made a great steak barbecue dinner for Marianne and I (Greg was out of town) before he had to go to work. I have a very sweet husband! I forgot to have my picture taken with Henry on Mother's Day, so I took it myself that night. Not the best, but it's me and the little one who made me a mommy.

I took Henry to my school's carnival on Friday evening. The highlights for him were the bouncy houses and definitely the snow cone!

This May weather has been crazy. We've had cold rainy days when we've had to bundle up, and then beautiful sunny days when we've worn shorts.

Henry's potty training is pretty much the same. He wears underwear during all awake time and pees in the potty all the time. But, he still won't poop in the potty. He says, "I need a diaper to poop in" and he will NOT go on the potty. We're not quite sure what to do at this point. For now we're just waiting for him to be ready, but that could take a while.
I just have to get through the next month of work, and then there will be LOTS of fun summertime blog posting! I promise!
1 comment:
I can't wait for lots of blogging, but in the meantime, I enjoy what you do put up on the blog.
Love Nathan's new haircut as well as Hen's.
Does the pool slide actually work? Looks way cool--in more ways than one.
Love you all. Grammy
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