So far they haven't cooperated with my best friend/cousin fantasies. They haven't been terribly interested in each other. They usually play in the same room, but not really together. They often fight over toys. Henry has pushed Nathan several times, and Nathan gets irritated with Henry. We've been hoping that in time they will learn to play together and start enjoying each others' company.

Well, last week, they finally seemed to be friends! We went over to their house for dinner, and Henry and Nathan had a great time together. Nathan was making Henry laugh hysterically. They were both playing with the same toys...together! They chased each other around. They played outside together. It was really sweet to see them interacting and enjoying each other. I was so happy that they were finally friends!

I love their matching curly heads.
My just-my-age cousin is one of my very best friend even though we grew up 6000 miles apart (Hawaii/East Coast).
They'll have a lifetime of memories together.
That's adorable! They are very cute together!
We have Andrew spend a bunch of time with his (forced) BFF, Kaden. Since Kaden's mom is a single mother, we have Kaden a lot. For a while, they didn't play together or get along so great. And they still fight over toys a little bit, but they are definitely becoming best buds! It's adorable!
Thanks for the congrats on my blog! We're just taking it one day at a time. I guess it's still sinking in!
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