The upside is that I've had lots of time at home with Henry, and some with Jeff (he was working until early Tuesday morning). The downside is that I've had lots of time at home. I have cabin fever! The driving conditions are not good, and I don't have chains for my tires yet.
We ventured out yesterday to the store, which was nice. But it's snowing again today and I just watched a truck spinning its wheels to get up our tiny little hill, so I guess we'll stay put today.
We've played outside a little bit, but playing in the snow isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Luckily Henry got some hand-me-down snow clothes from Nathan, so I bundled him up in those, and took Henry out into the backyard, but the freezing cold wind was whipping snow into our faces. Not so fun. 

The snow was really powdery, and it was difficult to get it to stick together enough to make a snow ball. I finally made one, and Henry played with it for a little bit.
Then he decided it wasn't too fun out in the snow, and it was time to go inside.
He preferred to sit inside and watch Little Einsteins.
Stella didn't seem to mind the snow!

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