How old is Henry?


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fun Sunday

Last weekend Henry and I went to the Children's Museum. He had so much fun. We love that place!

He played in the water area for a long time.

Even though he was wearing a plastic smock, he got soaking wet. He thought the dryers were as fun as the exhibits.

While playing in the Dig Pit, a bossy little girl tried to control Henry's every move. Hmmm...hopefully it's not a glimpse into his future.

There was a big Bob the Builder exhibit, which Henry enjoyed even though he doesn't watch the t..v. show.

Henry the Builder. Can we build it? Yes we can!

I didn't notice the "Do Not Climb" signs until after I let Henry climb all over it. Ooops.

What a great place to spend a rainy day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's the point of having a display like that if a little guy can't climb all over it??

He's so beautiful, Jocie! I just look at these pictures and smile.
