How old is Henry?


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Henry Humor

Do all 2 1/2 year olds have a sense of humor? Henry sure does! For the past several months we've noticed Henry purposely saying things to be funny. Sometimes he cracks us up. Sometimes he just cracks himself up.

Poop is very funny to Henry. He loves to talk about (and laugh about) poop. And farts. Just yesterday Henry was putting me through the "what does a ____ say?" inquisition.

Henry: What does a dog say?
Me: Woof Woof.
Henry: What does a cow say?
Me: Moooooo.
Henry: What does two eyeballs say?
Me: I see you!?

Henry thought that was very funny! So, knowing his highly developed sense of humor, I asked him one...

Me: What does poopoo say?

He didn't even need a punchline. He laughed and laughed. Serious belly laughing, complete with drooling. When he had recovered enough to speak, he tried it out...

Henry: What does poopoo say?
Me (blowing a raspberry): Ppptthhhhhhh!

LOTS MORE laughing ensued. "What does poopoo say?" is now his very favorite question. Fabulous.


Anonymous said...

Oh my god! That is hilarious. I can just see him belly laughing!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Of course little boys love potty humor!