Henry: What does a dog say?
Me: Woof Woof.
Henry: What does a cow say?
Me: Moooooo.
Henry: What does two eyeballs say?
Me: I see you!?

Henry thought that was very funny! So, knowing his highly developed sense of humor, I asked him one...
Me: What does poopoo say?
He didn't even need a punchline. He laughed and laughed. Serious belly laughing, complete with drooling. When he had recovered enough to speak, he tried it out...
Henry: What does poopoo say?
Me (blowing a raspberry): Ppptthhhhhhh!
LOTS MORE laughing ensued. "What does poopoo say?" is now his very favorite question. Fabulous.

Oh my god! That is hilarious. I can just see him belly laughing!
LOL! Of course little boys love potty humor!
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