Once again I'm a delinquent blogger. It's been over 2 weeks since I last posted. My two busiest times of year at work are the beginning and the ending of the school year, and with only two weeks of school left, I am in the midst of a very busy time! I may not post much (or at all) until after school gets out on June 13, but once school's out, I'll be a blogging fool.
Last Sunday was my birthday...it was a big one...I turned 40 (gulp). I don't feel 40! The day before my birthday, we had a fun birthday party barbecue at our house with about 20 people. Jill, Calvin, and Maddie drove down from Seattle to help us celebrate. Jeff's sister, Liz, also came down and stayed for a couple of days. I got a fabulous birthday present that I had been coveting, but never thought I'd get....a new camera! It's a Nikon D60, and I haven't yet learned how to use it. It comes with a GIANT instruction book and two DVDs that I will watch once school's out. I have tried taking a few pictures with it, but I'm not very good with it yet.
These pictures are with my old camera:
Me & Jeff at the party
Me & Jill...friends since 1985!

Calvin & Greg

Maddie, Jill, and the dogs

Jeff & Liz

Here are some pictures with my NEW CAMERA!
At the zoo on my birthday...
Can you see the difference? The colors are brighter, the pictures are sharper, and it has amazing Zoom capabilities. More good pictures coming soon....