It was 100 degrees here yesterday! Today was in the mid-90s. It definitely feels like summer. Henry's been wearing shorts and eating ice cream and staying up later than usual. It's so light and warm out at 8:00 that it doesn't feel like bedtime. Tonight he didn't fall asleep until after 10:00. I went into his room several times to tell him to lie down and go to sleep. The last time I went in, I was trying to be stern. I said, "Henry, lie down. No more playing. Close your eyes and go to sleep!" He asked, "Give Mommy big hugs?" I couldn't turn that down. So, I said, "Well...o.k." I leaned over the crib railing to hug him, and he wrapped his arms around my neck. While patting me on the back, he said, "You're my PERFECT!" (something I say to him a lot). Even if it wasn't so hot out, I still would have melted.
I went to Maggie Mows today for a cherry ice cream cone--wished Henry were with me! It's hot here too.
His uppidy hair is so cool!
Love, Grammy fammy bobammy
Happy birthday, Jocie! Henry is beautiful!!!!! Yay, for getting your blog link! ;-)
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