Here's Henry wishing me a Happy Mother's Day!
Henry loves it when I sing "The Name Game" song. He requests lots of different names, but here he is singing the song FOR ME! He started out by singing it with the name "Bombee," which is his nickname for "Mommy."
If you're not sick of it yet, here's some more Henry-Mommy talk....
I love that kid!
Jeff is working today, so it's just me and Henry for Mother's Day. I decided that we'd go for a long walk before his nap. We took the dogs and the wagon, and I walked BRISKLY for 25 minutes to a nearby playground.

Once there, Henry played for 6 minutes, then climbed back into the wagon and said, "Go home now?" Oh well, at least it was good excercise. Stella was too tired to keep walking, so she rode in the wagon on the way home.
I am so incredibly happy to be Mommy to such an amazing little boy. I've been reflecting all day on how difficult it was to become a Mother, and how it was all so worth it. Mother's Day will always be a very special day to me. Happy Mother's Day to my mom, Jeff's mom, and all of the other Moms we know and love!