Some tidbits of information about 2 1/2 -year-old Henry:
- He won't eat ANY vegetables (unless you count french fries, which I don't)
- He loves Reese's Pieces
- He doesn't share very well...at all
- He won't watch any other show besides Thomas the Tank Engine on t.v.
- He tells me when he needs his diaper changed
- He knows all of his letters and colors
- He can recognize and name over 50 of the Thomas trains
- He asks to be tickled
- He loves being naked (especially in his crib, lately)
- He will NOT take cough medicine
- He likes the taste of coffee
- He is fascinated with the moon
- He will eat 3 popsicles in one sitting
- He can recite all of the words from several books
- He won't say "please" even though the knows how
- He likes to smell flowers -- even fake ones
- He still goes outside via the doggy door
- He has an incredible memory
- He calls all bald men "Grandpa"
- He asks for balloons EVERY time we go to the store
- He laughs at farts and burps
- He quizzes US about animal sounds ("what's a cow say?" etc.)
- He loves sitting on Mommy's lap to read books
- He loves playing outside with his daddy
Oh my!! What a wonderful boy! He's smart and sweet and handsome!
Are those pics on Winkflash?
Two and a half--amazing! I'm so thankful for him!
Love, Grammy
He makes me laugh (so does your delightful way of recounting hisunique habits andtraits (stubborn but adorable)
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