Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Blog Makeover
I've been working on a new look for the blog, and I'm finally ready for the Big Reveal! I like it. What do you think?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunny Surprise
It was supposed to be rainy today...but, it wasn't! It was sunny and beautiful this afternoon. I left work a little early, picked up Henry, and we played outside for awhile. He spent a lot of time looking at, touching, and smelling the flowers.

As I was sitting on the rock wall, he climbed up next to me and sat down. Then he grabbed my hand and said, "Hold Mommy's hand." I love my little sweetie.

After dinner, I had a little surprise for Henry. I bought rainbow-colored ice cream cones, and I gave him his ice cream on a GREEN cone. He was so excited, and kept saying, "Special green cone" over and over.
Wherever the food is...the pugs will be there, too.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Funny Stuff
Just a few Henry funnies...
He still goes in and out through the doggy door all the time, and I'm trying to get him to stop. I don't like it when he goes outside in the rain wearing only socks or when he walks on the grass before I've had a chance to pick up dog poop. So, I keep telling him that the doggy door is FOR DOGGIES! This afternoon while I was in the kitchen, I heard the doggy door flap open and close, but Rocco & Stella were both with me in the kitchen. I saw Henry running around outside on the deck, so I opened the sliding glass door and he immediately said, "Doggy door is for doggies!" I said, "Yes, that's right. Are you a doggy?" His reply..."Woof! Woof!" as he ran away.
A couple of days ago I was trying to figure out what to make Henry for dinner. I was giving him some choices of his favorite foods.
Me: "Do you want spaghetti? Or chicken nuggets? Or meatballs?"
Henry: "Or candy?"
Henry loves to be tickled. He actually asks for it. As I'm changing his diaper, he'll say, "Mama tickle arm?" While playing with Jeff, he'll say "Got your neck?" which means that he wants Jeff to tickle his neck. The funniest thing, though, is that he doesn't only request the usual tickle spots. On several occasions, he's said, "Tickle tongue? Tickle teeth?" Umm, o.k.
As we were in the car driving home from daycare last week, out of the blue Henry said, "Rabbits eat grass, fruits, and vegetables." I was kind of surprised at that bit of knowledge from a 2-year-old!
I was feeding Henry dinner, and I was trying to get him to use his fork as opposed to picking everything up with his fingers.
Me: Use your fork.
Henry: Use your words!
After changing Henry's diaper, and putting him back down on the floor, he said, "There...that's better."
He's a funny kid!
He still goes in and out through the doggy door all the time, and I'm trying to get him to stop. I don't like it when he goes outside in the rain wearing only socks or when he walks on the grass before I've had a chance to pick up dog poop. So, I keep telling him that the doggy door is FOR DOGGIES! This afternoon while I was in the kitchen, I heard the doggy door flap open and close, but Rocco & Stella were both with me in the kitchen. I saw Henry running around outside on the deck, so I opened the sliding glass door and he immediately said, "Doggy door is for doggies!" I said, "Yes, that's right. Are you a doggy?" His reply..."Woof! Woof!" as he ran away.
A couple of days ago I was trying to figure out what to make Henry for dinner. I was giving him some choices of his favorite foods.
Me: "Do you want spaghetti? Or chicken nuggets? Or meatballs?"
Henry: "Or candy?"
Henry loves to be tickled. He actually asks for it. As I'm changing his diaper, he'll say, "Mama tickle arm?" While playing with Jeff, he'll say "Got your neck?" which means that he wants Jeff to tickle his neck. The funniest thing, though, is that he doesn't only request the usual tickle spots. On several occasions, he's said, "Tickle tongue? Tickle teeth?" Umm, o.k.
As we were in the car driving home from daycare last week, out of the blue Henry said, "Rabbits eat grass, fruits, and vegetables." I was kind of surprised at that bit of knowledge from a 2-year-old!
I was feeding Henry dinner, and I was trying to get him to use his fork as opposed to picking everything up with his fingers.
Me: Use your fork.
Henry: Use your words!
After changing Henry's diaper, and putting him back down on the floor, he said, "There...that's better."
He's a funny kid!
Mommy Time
Me and Doodlebug. 

I am usually the one taking the pictures, so I don't have a lot of pictures of me and Henry together. I finally got a couple of recent ones, so I thought I'd share them. I haven't mentioned this on the blog, but I've recently lost 40 lbs and I kind of wanted to wait until I'd lost more before posting pictures of myself. Oh well. I'll post more pictures of myself after losing ANOTHER 40 lbs. It might be a while....

I am usually the one taking the pictures, so I don't have a lot of pictures of me and Henry together. I finally got a couple of recent ones, so I thought I'd share them. I haven't mentioned this on the blog, but I've recently lost 40 lbs and I kind of wanted to wait until I'd lost more before posting pictures of myself. Oh well. I'll post more pictures of myself after losing ANOTHER 40 lbs. It might be a while....
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
He's Two and a Half!

Some tidbits of information about 2 1/2 -year-old Henry:
- He won't eat ANY vegetables (unless you count french fries, which I don't)
- He loves Reese's Pieces
- He doesn't share very all
- He won't watch any other show besides Thomas the Tank Engine on t.v.
- He tells me when he needs his diaper changed
- He knows all of his letters and colors
- He can recognize and name over 50 of the Thomas trains
- He asks to be tickled
- He loves being naked (especially in his crib, lately)
- He will NOT take cough medicine
- He likes the taste of coffee
- He is fascinated with the moon
- He will eat 3 popsicles in one sitting
- He can recite all of the words from several books
- He won't say "please" even though the knows how
- He likes to smell flowers -- even fake ones
- He still goes outside via the doggy door
- He has an incredible memory
- He calls all bald men "Grandpa"
- He asks for balloons EVERY time we go to the store
- He laughs at farts and burps
- He quizzes US about animal sounds ("what's a cow say?" etc.)
- He loves sitting on Mommy's lap to read books
- He loves playing outside with his daddy
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Henry + Thomas = True Love

"Oh, Thomas undoopanth..."
Sunday, April 06, 2008
I think we're better...knock on wood!
O.K....NOW I think we're better. I ended up going to the doctor on Tuesday because I had started feeling so much worse. My head felt like it was going to explode, my chest was wheezing, I was having coughing fits, I couldn't breathe, and I couldn't sleep. The doctor said that I definitely had a sinus infection, and I possibly had pneumonia. Lovely. So, he put me on a very strong antibiotic, gave me an inhaler, and gave me cough syrup with codeine...and FINALLY after five days, I started to feel better. Yesterday was the first day that I didn't ask Jeff to drill a hole in my skull to relieve the pressure. Also, Henry has finally stopped coughing! And Jeff is feeling well! Hooray! I was beginning to think we'd never get better. But we are! Knock on wood....
He's not too sure about Barney.
The worm creature is o.k.
We even ventured out to a restaurant last week. I still wasn't feeling well, but we needed to eat! Henry loves going to the Mongolian Grill near our house. He actually requests their food, "How 'bout noodles and chicken??" So, Jeff & I took him to his favorite place, and he ate like a CHAMP!
Yesterday Henry & I were at Target. I was looking at socks for him, when he spotted something with Thomas on it. All of a sudden, he frantically started asking, "How 'bout Thomas? How 'bout hold it? How 'bout want it? How 'bout Mommy open it?" It was a pack of Thomas underpants. I explained that they were for big boys who go pee pee and poo poo on the potty. He had to have them. I think Henry is actually close to being ready for potty-training. I, however, am not quite ready. My plan is to start potty-training this summer when I'm off work. After his bath last night, Henry said, "Go poo poo on the toilet." He's never pooped on the toilet, but I let him give it a try. No luck. As soon as I took him off the toilet, he said, "Put on Thomas underpants!" I guess he thought he'd earned them just for trying. We compromised.

All right, I think we're pretty much caught up.
Last weekend, even though we weren't well, we just had to get out of the house. If I stay cooped up too long, I start to get cabin fever. Henry is the same way. He gets grumpy and whiny if we don't leave the house. So, I raided some quarters from his bank, and we went to Toys 'R' Us to play on the ride-on toys at the front of the store.
Henry seems to like Kermit.

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