We haven't been doing a whole lot lately, so I don't have much to say. I am REALLY looking forward to Spring Break. We don't have any plans yet, but I'm excited to have a week off from work.
Henry has been growing up so much! He's pretty tall & thin, but he has started to fill out a bit recently. He wears 2T pants, but they're always too big around the waist unless they have the adjustable waistband. The last week or so, I have had to loosen all of his adjustable waistbands! Tonight I made him eggs & sausage for dinner. He wouldn't even touch the eggs, but he ate SIX sausage patties. Usually he won't even finish two. I made two patties, and he gulped them down, and urgently asked for more. I cooked two more, which he devoured, and then he shrieked, "How 'bout MORE sausage?" I couldn't believe it when he ate two more plus a container of applesauce and a yogurt smoothie. Maybe he's having a growth spurt?
Henry's 2-year molars haven't come in yet, but he's been working on them for several months. I can feel them just under the surface of the gums, but they just won't pop through. Lately he's been really chewing on his fingers, and he even says, "Teeth hurt!" His hands are ALWAYS in his mouth.
I honestly think that this is the cutest butt in the whole world. Henry loves to be naked. Every time we change his diaper, he asks to "Look at Henry penis in mirror?" Hopefully he will get over this obsession...eventually.
Henry also loves to look at the computer. He likes the Thomas the Tank Engine website (no surprise). He also loves to watch The Elephant Song on Youtube. If you have a 2-year-old, let them watch this video. It's so cute!
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