How old is Henry?


Monday, February 04, 2008

2-Week Catch Up

It's been two weeks since I've updated the blog. How did that happen? We got back from Las Vegas on a Monday evening, and I had to work the next day. It was a busy week, and then Lannie, Henry's Grammy, flew in for a visit on Thursday. Auntie Kathleen drove down from Seattle on Friday, and they both stayed through the weekend. The following week was blur of work. Then last weekend we celebrated Uncle Greg's birthday and had a Super Bowl party. Well, it was supposed to be a Super Bowl party, but we only ended up having one guest! That's o.k. We had a fun time hanging out with Greg. We taught him to play our favorite game, Ticket to Ride, so we played that 4 times over the weekend. That's what's been going on over here for the last two weeks.

In Henry News...

Henry is getting cuter and smarter and more funny every day. He had a great time during Grammy and Auntie Kath's visit. He was sitting between them during a drive to a restaurant, and he kept turning from one to the other, saying "Hi Grammy! Hi Auntie Kath!" He really loves spending time with them...they need to visit more often.

Henry is obsessed with popsicles. He asks for one first thing in the morning, and several times throughout the day. He doesn't eat just one. He usually eats 2 or 3 in a sitting, which is funny for our very picky non-eater. He likes them best when I cut them up into bite-sized chunks. Henry can sing the whole ABC song (and a few others) all by himself. He gets almost all the way through it in this video:

Henry started taking a new class at a place called My Gym. It's a lot like Gymboree, but it's a smaller place, and there's a bigger variety of activities. His class is every Saturday, and we've also been going to a Free Play session there on Wednesday afternoons. He really loves it. Practically every time we get in the car, he says, "Go My Gym?"

Henry has started speaking in full sentences! He's been using sentences here and there for a while, but now he's speaking MOSTLY in sentences. He says things like, "Mommy bought me Duncan" (a Thomas train), or "I WANT juice" or "I NEED Mavis" (another Thomas train) or "Daddy be right back." On Sunday morning, I went to the store alone, and came home with a Starbucks latte. Henry saw my cup, and said, "Mama's coffee...try some coffee?" I gave him a sip, and unfortunately, he liked it. I don't think he would have liked Daddy's strong black coffee!

Henry plays with his train table EVERY SINGLE DAY. It is definitely the best purchase we've ever made, as far as he's concerned. He used to say "Go home Rocco Stella?" when we were away from home, and he wanted to go back home. Now he says, "Go home, play with trains?" Henry absolutely LOVES playing with his Daddy. He's always loved Jeff, but recently, he has become far more attached to him. Here's a cute video of some tickling and rough-housing between my two favorite guys.

If we pretend to sleep while playing with Henry, he has funny way of "waking us up." I don't know why he does it, but he'll get up close to our faces, and then blow a raspberry at us and then say "HI HENRY!" It's pretty funny...


Anonymous said...

I quite sure no one blows raspberries in his face to wake him up!! That's hilarious.

I loved seeing you guys and spending time with Hen!!

Anonymous said...

Oops! I meant "I'm quite sure"--